Conversations About Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids



Question number one. When did you first– When did you first– When did you first realize that you had hearing loss?
Well, I think for a long time I blamed it on my husband because I always said that he mumbles. You know, when I had to keep asking people to repeat. I heard, I just didn’t understand everything. I was catching pieces, but it was certain tones that I wasn’t hearing. And I was doing, like, looking at her mouth. Trying to read her lips, I guess, I don’t know. And she asked me a question like, Mom, can you hear me? What are you doing, are you reading my lips? Well, you used to come in, and I wouldn’t have my hearing aid– I wouldn’t have hearing aids, and you’d say jeez Mom. Can you turn the TV any louder? How do you think your hearing loss impacted your relationships with others? Well, for one thing, before I didn’t feel like I was part of the conversation.

I kind of, you might say, pretended I was listening to what others were saying, but I never responded because I didn’t know for sure what they were saying. I did realize that when I was with a large group of friends or when I was in church I couldn’t hear what the pastor was saying. Do you remember any specific situations where my hearing loss was a concern or a challenge? Yeah, because I would have to turn and face you so you could read my lips. And I think you were agreeing to things that we were questioning why you were agreeing.

Well, sometime I’d just shake my head and nod because I don’t understand so– I know. And then I figured if I didn’t answer you would ask again and get closer. And then I would hear. And then you would hear, right. What made you decide to get help? Well, for one thing, I always was afraid I might get into a situation where I wouldn’t understand, or I had to ask again what they said. You know, that’s hard, that’s hard to have that going on. I think you pushed me. Yeah. Telling you-you need to go. Yes. And Dad telling you that you can’t hear him. Are you glad that you got hearing aids? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. It didn’t take long for me to adjust to them. And at first, it was fun to tell people I had hearing aids.

I’m very glad I got them. I am very glad I got them. I don’t know what I’d do with them now; I don’t. And I’m getting to the point where now, even if I’m home alone all day, I’ll wear them. Things I’ve noticed differently, like, I can call you, and we can have a conversation now. I mean, I don’t– I don’t know why, if you had hearing loss, I mean real hearing loss, why you would hesitate to get hearing aids. I know we’re happier. I’m sure you are. We feel like you’re much safer now that you– You don’t have to do the same– Now that you can hear. Repeating things and I don’t have to keep saying what. I love you. I love you, too. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you. Bless you, Alex. Thank you. This has been fun to do.